This interview occurred back on the 18th and was posted on Housing Notes on October 19th in case you missed it.
Robert Frank of CNBC invited me to appear on the show. I’ve been on the show a half dozen times, especially during the housing bubble when I was always interviewed remotely in a dark room with an automated camera. This appearance was the first time on the actual set. The interview with Robert Frank and Andrew Ross Sorkin In keeping with their audience, it was all about the “trade” and focus on pricing which reminded me of the stock market-like thinking of housing from a decade ago. Sorkin asks…
“Should all New Jersey homeowners move to Florida?”
Afterward, I was standing next to Alan Greenspan, former Fed chair, in the makeup room after the interview to take my makeup off. Chatted with Diana Olick as well as I am in now “full name-dropper” mode. Here’s Robert Frank’s intro and then my interview:
Here’s what to watch as real estate drifts into two different markets from CNBC.