It’s time to share my Three Cents Worth on Curbed, at the intersection of neighborhood and real estate.

Three Cents Worth: The Manhattan Black Thursday Keystroke

>The sudden 1,000 point fall in the Dow yesterday was temporarily dubbed “Black Thursday” before the market rebounded. Assuming most of it wasn’t due to a rumored $16B trader error on P&G (theory: lunchtime multi-tasking with peanut butter on fingers has been proven to sharply raise chances of incorrect keystrokes on computer terminals), it appears largely due to the drop in investor confidence related to the unraveling of Greece’s economy. They say it’s not cool to pay taxes there.

[Click to expand and read full post on Curbed]

Check out previous Three Cents Worthposts.

One Comment

  1. Michael Snapes May 9, 2010 at 10:23 am

    It is curious as to others’ opinions as where REALLY we are with the real estate market. The financial markets seem to be stabalizing then BOOM we hit a glitch. Everyone seems to talk about “Shadow Inventory” but BOOM, loan modifications and more government subsidies are on the way. What are your thoughts?

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