Ok, so one of the considerations in the housing economy is the quality of life that the surrounding areas provide. Kansas State came up with a new way to view a market area.
But a word of caution – this is a precision party trick — rigorous mapping of ridiculous data. But hey, it’s fun.
Seven Deadly Sins Nationwide with “Hot Spots”
>By culling statistics from nationwide databanks of things like sexually transmitted disease infection rates (lust) or killings per capita (wrath), the researchers came up with a sin index.
The darker a county is on the map, the more evil it is.
Lust – sexually transmitted disease infection rates
Gluttony – counting the number of fast food restaurants per capita
Greed – comparing average incomes with the total number of inhabitants living beneath the poverty line
Sloth – comparing expenditures on arts, entertainment and recreation with the rate of employment
Wrath – killings per capita
Envy – using the total number of thefts — robbery, burglary, larceny and stolen cars
Pride – combined all data from the six other sins and averaged it into an overview of all evil (see top of post)