Really! This short intro video accurately portrays the RAC organizational culture and why I love these people.
I am a long time member of RAC, an appraisal organization that specializes in complex residential properties. It was founded in 1990 to focus on the relocation subset of residential appraising but this is not a mutually exclusive point. An appraiser who provides high quality relocation appraisals also provides high quality appraisals for complex residential assignments. Most of our members do a lot of appraisal work outside of the relocation universe.
For Miller Samuel, relocation appraisal work has never been a large part of our practice given our New York market location but the draw to retain my membership has remained powerful.
Here are some thoughts:
For Appraisers – RAC is nominally priced, full of incredible experienced people and most important, absent the crazy appraisal politics that have nothing to do with making someone a more valuable appraisal professional. Check us out.
For Financial Institutions – If you ever need a resource to get the best residential real estate appraisers in the country, you simply need to check out RAC. And if our organization doesn’t have coverage in a specific market you are interested in, we’d be happy to recommend someone to you.