With a bunch of USDA acronyms like FICO and IPO, 4-letter builder names and Boiler Room sales pitches, this cow has chewed more CUD than it can swallow.
* Subprime bailout is not the answer–HUD secretary [Reuters]
* Countrywide to Pick Up Subprime Pieces [AP]
* Fed: Banks Tighten Mortgage Standards [SmartMoney.com]
* Massachusetts Presses Lenders on Foreclosures [NPR]
* Former Ameriquest Workers Tell of Deception (Movie “Boiler Room” as training video) [NPR Radio]
* Subprime’s Expanding Toll [Motley Fool]
* Tighter Mortgage Standards Could Prolong Housing Slump [CNBC]
* Subprime lenders say FICO failed [OC Register]
* Everquest Financial is going public with risky mortgage bets purchased from its underwriter’s hedge funds [Businessweek]