Dustin Luther scores a coup, getting the Lawrence Yun, controversial NAR Chief Economist, to be the guest on his 4Realz podcast conference call along with moi, Rhonda Porter and Jillayne Schlicke .
What’s just as interesting as the guest speakers is the chat room dialog during the discussions. It prompts Dustin’s questions and allows “murmuring” during each answer.
I got the feeling that everyone wanted to pounce on Larry but never did. Do I call him Larry? Dr. Yun? Mr. Yun? Larry was unfettered.
4realz Roundtable: Effect of FDIC/Treasury Actions on Home Buyers and Real Estate Industry
Of course I was a few minutes late to the call as is my tradition (sorry Dustin!).
Check out the discussion
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You hit the nail on the head again…it was like Lawrence was alone in a lion cage. I think a majority of us wanted to pounce but we were very polite..and that’s okay. I found it challenging at times and couldn’t say my last words after following you (with Dustin’s promting).
Thanks again so much for taking part! I was also wondering if the crowd was going to pownce at some point, but glad that the conversation remain fairly amicable! Thanks again!
[…] this topic on both Rain City Guide and ActiveRain. Also thanks to Jim Duncan, Ardell DellaLoggia, Jonathan Miller, Rhonda Porter and Tom Royce for helping to spread the word! Possibly related posts: (automatically […]
I’ve been reading Jonathan’s blog way too long.
Dr. Yun just straightened it all out. I now understand the real estate problem, if indeed there is one, is all in the head of the consumer.
I was thinking until now that this wreck, as far as to those of us who have no influence and must try to stay above the waves without sinking, that this problem was generated right here in River City by something to do with the ability of borrowers to repay and over-valued housing to say nothing of a sprinkling of fraud and then there is an untouchable global economy and bouncing dollars.
Thanks to 4Realz and the very polite and remarkably restrained panel for allowing Dr. Yun to share his insight.
Jonathan mentioned the Doctor’s objective of assuring his audience that the glass is always half full, but I am left wondering what Dr. Yun has been smoking while gazing into the glass.
Thanks to Dr. Yun for trying though.
As I read on a sign the other day, “It is a good time to buy a house.” Maybe the lenders will now put one out there that says, “It’s a good time to take out a mortgage loan.” Problem over! Just like it never happened. Easy.
We acted with the utmost respect for Dustin Luther…as usual 🙂 When you accept an invite, you respect the host and his objective.
I do not fault Yun in any way. I fault whomever gave him the title “chief economist” vs. “Public Relations Officer and Consumer Confidence Booster”.
Thanks again for exercising good manners, decorum and professionalism.
I don’t think shooting the messenger has been implied. But holding only NAR responsible for Yun’s comments is a little like calling Madonna simply a victim of the entertainment industry.
I don’t know what the guy’s qualifications actually are, but I assume he has a PHD in something to do with economics and I assume he may have had some influence on his title at NAR.
Frankly, if I was selling real estate, I would probably consider the reporting of facts as potentially dangerous to my income. But, when events are spun to resemble an episode of Alice in Wonderland one is compelled to question who the intended beneficiaries are.
This stuff crosses the line between the objective consumer “confidence boosting” and “What you don’t know won’t hurt you.”
I hold Yun responsible for his comments, just as appraisers must be held responsible for their interpretation of the facts. Otherwise we could just blame the clients for the number hitters among us.
[…] this topic on both Rain City Guide and ActiveRain. Also thanks to Jim Duncan, Ardell DellaLoggia, Jonathan Miller, Rhonda Porter and Tom Royce for helping to spread the word! addthis_url = […]