Since 2003, I have provided a chart that appears once a month in the Economic Spotlight section of _Crain’s New York Business_ magazine. Here is this month’s chart appearing in the current issue of [Crain’s New York Business](

Source: Crain’s New York Business

[Go here for a complete archive of all my Crains’s New York _Economic Spotlight_ charts]( They are organized by year.


  1. John K October 23, 2006 at 3:38 pm

    Shocking data.

    Will this lead to more volatile prices?

    Co-op owners sell less often than condo owners, right? Plus, there are less people willing (or able) to buy co-ops (due to the co-op boards’ requirements, large down payments, regulations, etc.).

    Will general market conditions affect Manhattan, just like everywhere else?

  2. jf.sellsius October 23, 2006 at 4:13 pm

    Does your data indicate what % of the condo sales were new construction?

  3. richard russell October 27, 2006 at 4:19 pm

    the manhattan real estate market valies are just fine–the wall street bonuses will arrive soon and another spike in value will occur. Even without it the values are there and the demand is, as well. There is not place for money to be safe, on this planet but in brink and morter–manhattan–that is it.

    Not the Boroughs –just manhattan, period

    RIchard Russell
    The Richland Group

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