_Apparently I was operating a ferris wheel without a license so I needed to take a month off from the carnival. What better way to re-enter the carnival than through True Gotham, a true barker of the New York real estate experience._
[What is a carnival](http://blogcarnival.com/bc/p_about.html)? [Here’s a great carnival Q & A](http://www.carnivalofrealestate.com/2006/07/carnival_of_rea.html). Its basically a a bunch of blogs that take turns displaying the favorite posts for the group each week. Carnivals can vary by topics and of course and the most relevant to Matrix readers is the Carnival of Real Estate.This week’s host: [True Gotham](http://www.truegotham.com/) drove around in [their cool car](http://www.truegotham.com/archives/a-brokers-job-life-in-the-truegotham-mini.html) to find the [best posts submitted by carnival members](http://www.truegotham.com/archives/market-insight-the-carnival-of-real-estate-18.html).
Next week’s host: [Ubertor](http://blog.ubertor.com/) will use their application know-how to filter out the great from the alpha and beta posts. Click on the button below to get more information on how to join, host and submit posts to the carnival.