Hat tip to [Lansner on Real Estate](http://blogs.ocregister.com/lansner/archives/2006/04/more_leave_oc_than_move_in_uha.html) for pointing out [U-Haul’s ranking [pdf]](http://secure.uhaul.com/pr/Redirect.aspx?FileName=U-HaulGrowthStates05.pdf) of the top 5 highest growth states. The results were compiled from 1.58 million transactions in 2005.

Frankly, I was surprised to see New York and Wisconsin on the list. I was under the impression these states were population neutral or seeing modest declines.

One issue with U-Haul’s study is the demographic this study captures. They are a do-it-yourself mover that provides the equipment and you provide the muscle. _[disclaimer – I had a U-Haul metal toy truck as a kid with steerable wheels]_

Seems like the flaw here is the stats apply to people who move themselves to these locations. The results contrast those of [United Van Lines](http://matrix.millersamuelv2.wpenginepowered.com/?p=322) a few months ago for all but one of the states that U-Haul mentioned (Tennessee was a top inbound state in both surveys).

Nevertheless, its fun stuff and it never ceases to amaze me how companies try to leverage their information into some sort of study.

One Comment

  1. Shoreline April 20, 2006 at 10:10 am

    We are suprised to see positive growth reports about New York because nearly everyone who writes about NY is cynical. Every year the same articles come out about New York being so expensive that “no one can live here anymore.” Also, now that spring is here we’ll soon see the NYTimes and New York Magazine articles about how the Hamptons are out and “everyone” is going to Blah Blah. md

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