MANHATTAN Although overall rental price indicators were
mixed, median rent increased for the 10th
consecutive month. Rising New York City
employment and tight mortgage lending
conditions continued to keep the pressure on
rents, despite the mixed results. Median rental
price was $3,250, up 4.8% from the same period
last year…
BROOKLYN Brooklyn rents continued to push above prior
year levels. Median rental price was $2,900, 9%
above the same period last year. While average
rental price slipped 1.3% to $3,139, average
rental price per square foot increased 13.4%
to $41.17 over the same period. The continued
strength in rental price per square foot was
reflected in the larger rental price gains seen
in smaller apartments…
QUEENS Rents in the northwest Queens housing market
increased from the prior year period. Median
rental price was up 5.9% to $2,839. Average
rental price increased 4.9% to $3,015 and
average rental price per square foot increased
23.9% to $44.07 respectively over the same
period. Median rental price was $411 below the
median rental price of Manhattan…